Integral Psychotherapist
"Walking upside down, I see things as they really are - buds reaching for light."

Natasha was trained at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), San Francisco. CIIS is a pioneer in transpersonal studies, and was the first to offer an East-West psychology program in the world, which brings together Spirituality and Psychology.
Natasha has trained with Dr. Raja Selvam in Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP), and is also a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). She has been working with adults for almost two decades in private practice and in groups. In the recent past, she has most enjoyed working as a wellness consultant at Vana, Dehradun, India and training a group of Buddhist monastics in counselling at the Deer Park Institue in Bir, India, supported by the Dzongsar Khyentse Foundation.